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Arden Raine is an ex-theatrical making sense of life through many lenses.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Dear Kidlet, (part 2)

Dear Kidlet,

Tomorrow begins the first big adventure of your life! I know you are super ready and excited and maybe a bit nervous.

You my wee one will be a full fledged big kid. Kindergarten!  Yippee!

I know you love your How to Train Your Dragon backpack and Spiderman lunchbox (bag? They are not boxes anymore. ) and are eager to use them tomorrow.

You've asked for a cheese and mayo sandwich. And an apple and carrots. And rose water to drink. (we mix a little rose syrup into water- think floral koolaid. Hey don't judge it's good!)

You've met your teacher and Ms. Bongiorni rocks. I love her already. You met twin brothers and I think the three of you might be friends. You like the same things after all.

I loved that your Ninny & Buppy got to come visit the school and meet your teachers on Monday. It's important that they know how well you will be taken care of and how awesome your class is.

I've been asked if I am sad you will not be home with me all day anymore.  And honestly I am as ready as you are for this new stage.

Kiddo,  I have tried to be the best stay at home mom I could be. We've had awesome times and awful times.  We worked through lots of milestones and heartbreaks. I am proud of you kidlet. And I am proud of myself and your Dad.

You are kind and thoughtful.  Well, unless you're tired. Then all bets are off!

You are smart and curious and focused. Sorry my child you can get like momma tunnel visioned at times and hate to be interrupted.  I hate that too. But you'll learn how to take the frustration in stride- with time.

You are funny. Really, really funny. I hope you use that good sense of humor to help others feel at ease and happy too.

You are quick to snuff our injustice.  I hope that you always stand up for what's right and those being harmed. I also hope that discernment and patience can help guide the righteous anger.

You are delightfully social. Please stay cheerful and unshy but remember not every child is gregarious.  And always be respectful of the space bubble.

You are courageous and bold. I love both of those things about you. I hope you are always bold and courageous.  I hope that you can see your way through to adulthood without losing that confidence.

May you grow into the woman who makes you feel fierce, loving, capable and joyous.

But for now for tomorrow at least, let Mom and Dad walk you into the school on your first day ever.  You see it's our first day of letting go. Not completely,  kiddo don't worry. We are here for cuddles and snuggles and stories and listening and cookies and waffles for a long time yet. There will be boo boos to kiss and broken hearts to hold tightly for years to come. But tomorrow we say goodbye to the baby you. The completely and utterly dependant on us you.  And it may seem hard or sad for us. But it's not really. We are happy to watch you soar.

We are proud of you and relieved we did as good a job as we have. We know there's so much to learn and do and love and hate ahead of you.  And it's just as exciting for us! And we will have lots to learn with you!

Kidlet enjoy tomorrow.  We are going to treat it as the big deal it is. Daddy took off the whole day so we can drop you off and pick you up. But Friday?  Who hoo! Friday is your first solo trip anywhere without us or family ever. That bus ride is freedom baby! That ride is your magic carpet to big girl land. Love it. Be kind. Make some friends. Learn lots and lots of cool stuff.

You are going to rock this! We'll play "First Day of School" by the Imagination Movers on the way. They are your favorite band. And it's a favorite song!

I'm not sad. I'm thinking of you how happy you are going to be. I know you are nervous.  And that's okay. Daddy and I will be there after school every day for snacks and chat and play.

I also know this transition has been hard on you. You're nervous and anxious and get angry eaiser. That's okay too. We will work it out. Remember Daniel Tiger's songs:
"Try something new it might taste good."
"Grown ups come back."
"When you feel so mad that you want to roar- take a deep breath and count to 4."

That tiger knows lots of good stuff.

Okay kiddo only one last bit of advice:
Enjoy each day. Every day starts new.  And every day is a new adventure.

I love you kidlet.
I love you 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2, I love you.

Knock 'em dead!



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